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Soft skills are important too!

Tag: skills

Published on: 01 May 2023

Have you ever asked yourself why some software developers with similar technical skills are more successful in finding jobs than others? I will try to make it clear in this article.

Quick answer

The simple answer to the question above is that some developers have important “soft” skills. Now probably you are asking yourself, what on earth are “soft” skills?

The “soft” skills are all of the non-technical skills that one developer can poses. These skills usually are communication, problem-solving, time management, team player, self-management, and many more.

What to do?

To improve your soft skills you need to practice them as you practice your technical skills, so they can become your second nature. It is very important for a junior developer to quickly become part of the team and understand the workflow.


Communication in a team is one of the most important parts of success. Without this important skill, there will be a missing link.


Another important skill is the ability to solve problems. The developers that think outside the box are one of the most valuable on the market. Also, these developers have a better chance to get promoted to a higher position early in their careers.

Time management

As we know time management in every company is crucial. The ability to manage shorter development time means cheaper and more competitive products that can bring more customers, finances, and stability.


As a developer, being able to make a plan for self-improvement is very important for yourself and for the company. This is why you need to know what you want to become, what you want to learn, and what you want to achieve. It is important for the company as well, so most companies today are offering free courses, meetups, and presence at technical events.

The verdict

Improving your soft skills while learning to code will help you a lot in your career. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, it needs time to get good with this. Follow the tips in this article and you will be on your way to becoming a well-rounded developer.